I. Name of the Organization
The name of the organization is The Division on Corrections and Sentencing. The Division is a constituent unit of the American Society of Criminology [hereinafter ASC] and will function in accordance with the Constitution, bylaws, and policies of the ASC.
II. Purposes and Objectives
A. To facilitate and encourage research on corrections and sentencing for adults and youth;
B. To facilitate and encourage research pertaining to sentencing, rehabilitation, punishment, community and institutional corrections, diversionary programs, and alternatives;
C. To bring together ASC members interested in discussing and supporting research and policy, program and/or theoretical development in corrections and sentencing;
D. To facilitate and encourage interaction and dissemination of research among ASC members, practitioners, funding agencies, policy-making bodies, corrections and sentencing organizations, and other relevant groups, and
E. To organize and promote ASC conference sessions related to issues in corrections and sentencing.
III. Membership
Membership in this Division will be open to all ASC members in good standing. A member in good standing is one who is current in their dues. Members who have paid Divisional dues will be considered eligible for voting for the election of Divisional officers and to hold office.
IV. Executive Board
There will be an Executive Board comprised of the Division’s current officers, immediate past Chair, and three Executive Counselors. This Board will form policies for the Division, provide advice and decide the budget for the Division, and approve committee chairs.
The Division Chair will serve as the convener of the Executive Board.
V. Officers
A. Chair
i. The Chair provides executive direction for the Division and will preside over Division meetings.
ii. The Chair, or their designee, serves as liaison with the ASC Annual Meeting Program Committee to ensure the inclusion of panels relating to issues on corrections and sentencing in the program.
iii. The Chair, or their designee, brings issues regarding sentencing and corrections, and recommendations for their resolution, as decided by the Division, to the attention of the ASC Executive Board and to appropriate ASC committees for their consideration.
iv. The Chair recruits and appoints all committees and committee chairs, with the approval of the Executive Board.
v. The Chair provides ASC with an mid-year report as requested by ASC for the ASC board meeting.
vi. The Chair oversees all Division purchases, budget issues, and membership in conjunction with ASC.
vii. The Chair coordinates with ASC leaders and other division chairs as necessary.
viii. The Chair coordinates with the Executive Board and ASC regarding the annual Business Meeting/Breakfast, Reception/Social, and any other planned events.
ix. The Chair coordinates with the Handbook Committee on publication, pricing, and purchasing regarding the DCS Handbook Series.
x. The Chair communicates with Division members via the Division website, email listserv, and social media (as desired).
xi. The Chair orders all awards for Division members (i.e., plaques).
xii. The Chair creates and distributes all calls for awards and nominations for awards and service.
xiii. The Chair prepares an introduction to two Division newsletters each year by sending these to the Vice-Chair/Newsletter Chair.
B. Vice-Chair
i. The Vice-Chair presides over Division meetings in the absence of the Chair and is empowered to conduct all necessary business of the Division if the office of Chair is vacant or if the Chair is unable to serve.
ii. The Vice-Chair, or their designee, is responsible for assistance to, and oversight of, the Newsletter Committee.
C. Secretary/Treasurer
i. The Secretary/Treasurer keeps the records and minutes of/for the Division.
ii. The Secretary/Treasurer records minutes of each meeting of the Division and forwards a copy to each member of the Executive Committee.
iii. The Secretary/Treasurer remains in contact with the Treasurer of ASC who will maintain a separate account in the ASC treasury for the Division. The Secretary informs Division membership of the Divisions’ balance, debts, credits, etc. at the Division’s Annual Membership Meeting. The Secretary notifies the Executive Board of any financial issues that arise between Annual Membership Meetings.
D. Executive Counselors
i. There will be three Executive Counselors, elected in alternating years.
ii. Executive Counselors assist the Chair with executive decisions for the Division, and each will chair at least one committee of the Division.
VI. Elections
A. Nominations
The Executive Board will appoint a Nominations Committee consisting of at least two members in good standing of the Division. The Committee will receive names in nomination for each office to be filled the following year. All names will be forwarded to the ASC Executive Office for inclusion on the Division ballots.
B. Qualifications
Nominees and elected officers must be members in good standing of ASC and the Division.
C. Term of Office
The term of office for all officers and Executive Counselors will be two years.
The term of office of each incoming officer will begin with the close of the Divisions Annual Membership Meeting following their election.
Elected officers may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms in the same office upon re-election. Upon completion of the second consecutive term of office, a person must wait for a period of at least one full term before running again for the same office.
D. Procedures
All names of those nominated will be placed on the Division ballot and sent to all members in good standing via email using a secure online system like Qualtrics or the equivalent. Completed ballots will be the chair if the Nominations committee, counted by the chair and verified by the committee, and sent to the Division chair. Results will be published in the Division Newsletter.
E. Vacancies
Vacancies which occur during the term of office for the Vice-Chair, Secretary or Executive Counselor of the Division, shall be filled until the next election by appointment of the Chair, with the approval of the Executive Board.
Vacancies may be filled in either Year One or Year Two elections, and shall be filled for the remainder of the term of office.
VII. Amending the Constitution and Bylaws
A. Amendments may be proposed by any member of the Division, but all such proposed amendments may only go forward under one of the following conditions:
i. The petitioner receives the written support of one-fifth of the Division membership in good standing;
ii. The proposed amendment is introduced at the Divisions Annual Membership Meeting, and receives a two-thirds affirmative vote of those present to refer the proposal to a Constitutional Revision Committee;
iii. The proposed amendment is introduced electronically via the DCS listserv and receives a two-thirds affirmative vote within 14 days of open voting to refer the proposal to a Constitutional Revision Committee, or
iv. The Executive Board creates a Constitutional Revision Committee to review the Constitution and Bylaws and to make appropriate recommendations.
B. A proposal for an amendment which meets any of the requirements above shall be determined to be qualified by the Executive Board.
C. An amendment will be approved when it receives a two-thirds vote by electronic ballot submitted to Division members in good standing. The results will be reported to the Executive Board no later than the next Annual Membership Meeting.
D. Approved amendments shall take effect immediately following the next annual membership Meeting. Amendments are subject to the approval of the ASC Executive Board.