Title: “Is fairness enough: Examining the influence of procedural justice, legitimacy, and relationship quality on probationer rule-compliance.”


Lucas Alward is a doctoral student in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Central Florida. He received his Master’s in Political Science from California State University, Chico. His primary research interests include: procedural justice and legitimacy, prisoner reentry and desistance, and the risk-needs-responsivity model.

Dissertation Summary:

My dissertation focuses on examining the relationship between probation officers and the probationers they supervise. This dissertation examines how three concepts – procedural justice, legitimacy, and the therapeutic alliance impact probationer rule compliance and uses statewide survey data with probationers to address this question.

Committee members:

Kim Kras (SDSU)

Jason Rydberg (UML)

Chad Malone (Oklahoma State)

Stephanie Maass (Norwich)

Megan Mitchell (UCF)

Chris Dum (Kent State)