When was the Division on Corrections and Sentencing established?
The DCS was established in November 1999 as a constituent unit of the American Society of Criminology.
How is the DCS governed?
The DCS is governed by an Executive Board consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and three Executive Counselors.
Are there committees I could join?
There are five standing committees: Nominations Committee, Newsletter Committee, Outreach Committee, Programming Committee, and Student Affairs/Paper Committee.
Other ad-hoc committees are appointed by the division Chair.
When are meetings held?
The Executive Board meets at least once yearly. The Division usually holds a breakfast meeting on the Thursday of the annual ASC meeting. The Division also often sponsors a social for members. Meetings take place at the conference site.
How can I become a member?
To become a member of the DCS, you must be a member of the ASC and current in your dues.
How much are dues?
Dues for American Society of Criminology membership range from $55 for Student Members to $95 for an Active Member ($270 for a three-year membership). The DCS dues listed below are in addition to the ASC membership price.
Effective February 1, 2017, DCS members elect whether to receive the book or not when paying their annual dues. Only those who elect to receive the Handbook (and pay the additional $25 will get a copy of the Handbook). Membership dues must be paid by September 1st of the membership year to receive that yearβs volume.*
a. Regular Membership = $25.00
b. Regular Membership w/the Handbook on Corrections and Sentencing = $50.00
c. Student Membership = $10.00
d. Student Membership w/the Handbook on Corrections and Sentencing = $35.00
How can I apply for membership?
Applications for ASC membership and its divisions are available on the ASC website (www.asc41.com)