Please join #AltAc’s meet and greet with its next rock star:
Legislative Director Jenn N. Weintraub
Taking Research to the Senate: Research Informed Policy Making
Jenn Weintraub, ABD in the School of Criminal Justice at the University at Albany, SUNY, is uniquely situated to use her subject matter expertise and extensive training in research methods to inform her work as a Legislative Director. Every day Jenn applies her Doctoral-level research skills to help evaluate and draft innovative policy and legislation. We’re excited to talk to Jenn about the realities of working within state legislature, how her Doctoral training in criminal justice allows her to approach her work differently than colleagues with legal and political science backgrounds, and her experience navigating the dual-role of Doctoral candidate and working professional.
Keywords: State Legislature, Working While ABD, Applied Policy, Legislative Director
Jennifer N. Weintraub, M.A.
Legislative Director, NY Senate
Ph.D. Candidate
School of Criminal Justice
University at Albany, SUNY
Jennifer N. Weintraub is a doctoral candidate in the School of Criminal Justice at the University at Albany, SUNY. Her research is broadly characterized within miscarriages of justice, in particular, regarding wrongful convictions, legal decision-making, and public policy. She currently serves as Legislative Director to New York State Senate Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris, who represents Western Queens.
Meeting Resources
Alt-Ac Meet & Greet Rockstar Jennifer N. Weintraub Recording