Please join #AltAc’s meet and greet with its next rock star:
Bringing Research to the Real Word through Technical Assistance with Vivian Elliott
Vivian learned how research informs technical assistance and how technical assistance informs better research. She started with small roles delivering technical assistance and grew into her current role as Co-Director of Justice Research and Innovation where she leads a large portfolio of training and technical assistance, research, and policy reform projects. Join Vivian as she talks more about the relatively undiscussed world of technical assistance and its ability to make meaningful and immediate real-world impacts on the criminal justice field.
Vivian Elliott
Co-Director, Justice, Research, and Innovation
Vivian Elliott is an expert in criminal justice and emergency preparedness. She specializes in law enforcement organizational reform; after-action analysis; training and technical assistance; and exercise planning, facilitation and evaluation. At CNA, she serves as the project director for the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s National Public Safety Partnership, and she is an analyst on use of force for the Chicago Independent Monitoring Team. By providing law enforcement agencies with training and technical assistance, she helps them implement and evaluate strategies, assess their organizational capacities, build effective partnerships, and develop policies and procedures. Elliott has received CNA’s Safety and Security Principles Award and CNA’s Safety and Security Initiative Award. Prior to joining CNA, Elliott conducted forensic research for the FBI, where she received an award for her exceptional contributions to the FBI’s forensic science research initiatives. Elliott has a master’s degree in molecular biotechnology from George Washington University and a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry and molecular biotechnology from the University of California, Davis.
Meeting Resources
Alt Ac Rockstar Vivian Elliott Recording