The Division on Corrections & Sentencing of the American Society of Criminology announces the Pamela K. Lattimore and RTI International Dissertation Scholarship Award. The DCS will grant a monetary award of $3,000 to assist a doctoral student with completion of his/her dissertation. Doctoral students who have completed all required course work, passed qualifying comprehensive exams, and have successfully defended the dissertation prospectus by the award date (November 2024) are eligible to apply. The award is aimed specifically at students who are working on a sentencing or corrections topic for their dissertation, and with the potential to make a unique and important contribution to the field. Submissions will be reviewed on three criteria: 1) clarity of research problem and theoretical/empirical background; 2) clarity and appropriateness of research design and methodology; and 3) potential for contribution to the field.

Proposals should include the following:

  1. Narrative: A 1500 word narrative outlining the dissertation topic and background, as well as research design, data collection methods and analytic strategy, and potential implications of research findings (please include word count at end of narrative).
  2. Curriculum Vitae: A current copy of the student’s curriculum vitae.
  3. Support Letter: The student’s dissertation chair must submit a signed statement of support describing (a) the current status of the proposed work, and (b) the student’s potential to successfully complete the dissertation (see eligibility requirements). Please send this letter directly to the award committee chair.

The narrative and vitae should be submitted on separate pages in one pdf document. The letter of support should be submitted directly to the award committee chair.

Nominations are due on August 31, 2025 and should be submitted to Chelsey Narvey, Dissertation Award Chair, at Please but “Dissertation Scholarship Award Nomination” in the subject line.

Prior Dissertation Scholarship Award Recipients: 

2024Katherine Rankin
2023Rebekah McNeilly
2022Maria Valdovinos Olsen
2021Danielle Haverkate
2021Raven Simonds (Honorable Mention)
2020Alison J. Farringer
2019Lucas Alward
2019Sadé Lindsay (Honorable Mention)
2018Kyleigh Clark-Moorman
2017Veronica Horowitz
2016Elizabeth Thompson Tollefsbol
2015Molly Buchanan
2014Kimberly A. Bender
2014Jill Viglione (Honorable Mention)
2013Kimberly Kras
2012Joshua Cochran (First Place)
2012Jordan Hyatt (Second Place, Shared)
2012Phil Mulvey (Second Place, Shared)
2011Laura A. Gross