This award is supported by generous donations from members and related organizations. You can find information on the donors and how to donate here.
This award is presented in recognition of the most outstanding student research paper. Eligibility is limited to papers that are authored by one or more undergraduate or graduate students and have not been previously published or accepted for publication at the time of submission. Papers written with faculty members are not considered for this award. All authors must be students at the time of submission. Submissions will be judged on five evaluative criteria, including: the overall significance of the work; its research contribution to the field; integration of prior literature in the area; appropriateness and sophistication of the research methodology; and overall quality of writing and organization of the paper. Papers should not exceed 30 pages of double-spaced text. References, tables, and figures are not included in the page limit. A financial prize will be given as part of the Benjamin Steiner Excellence in Corrections Student Paper Award. Nominations are due on August 31, 2025 and should be submitted to Jason Rydberg, Student Paper Award Chair, at Please put “Ben Steiner Excellence in Corrections Student Paper Award Nomination” in the subject line.
Prior Student Paper Award Recipients:
2024 | Sino Esthappan |
2023 | Amanda Witwer “Discretion and Disagreement: A Longitudinal Study of Departures Under Presumptive and Advisory Sentencing Guidelines” |
2022 | Yiwen Zhang “Did the Prison Industrial Complex Deliver on Its Promise? Prison Proliferation and Employment in Rural America” |
2021 (co-winner) | Shannon Magnuson “Separate, But Not That Different: Restricted Housing Unit (RHU) Reform for Individuals with Severe Mental Health Diagnoses.” |
2021 (co-winner) | Stacie St. Louis “Bail Denied or Bail Too High? Disentangling Cumulative Effects by Pretrial Detention Type and Release.” |
2020 | Sadé J. Lindsay “The Prison Credential Dilemma: How Formerly Incarcerated Men Navigate the Labor Market with Positive Credentials from Prison” |
2019 | Kendra Clark “Rethinking Prisonization: A Longitudinal Investigation of Adherence to the Convict Code across Stages of Incarceration” |
2018 | Jennifer Peirce “From necessary to arbitrary: The evolution of prisoner-led governance and shifting perceptions of violence in Dominican prisons” |
2017 | Michael Gibson-Light “Ramen Politics: Informal Money and Logics of Resistance in the Contemporary American Prison” |
2017 | Honorable Mention: Matthew Clair “Resources, Navigation, and Punishment in the Criminal Courts” |
2016 | Elisa Toman “Extending research on the victim-offender overlap: Linking prison misconduct and in-prison victimization” |
2016 | Honorable Mention: Timothy Edgemon |
2015 | Katherine Kempany “An initial examination of legal and extra-legal influences of discretionary probation revocation decisions.” |
2014 (co-winner) |
Jill Viglione “Probation officer use of client-centered communication strategies in adult probation settings.” |
2014 (co-winner) | Christina Stewart “Processing and punishment: Examining the relationship between time to disposition, mode of conviction, and sentence severity.” |
2014 | Honorable Mention: Nathan Link “Longitudinal associations between child support debt, employment, and recidivism after prison” |
2013 | Ryan Labrecque “An alternative perspective on offender risk prediction: The advantages of subgroup norming.” |
2012 | Kimberly R. Kras “Social support for sex offenders: How does social support impact the success or failure of sex offenders returning to the community?” |
2012 | Honorable Mention: Michelle S. Phelps “Reconceptualizing the scale of punishment: State variation in mass probation” |
2012 | Honorable Mention: Christopher Kelly “Putting the community back into therapeutic community: Examining the role of the treatment group in prison-based substance abuse treatment.” |
2011 | Ben Grunwald “Questioning Blackmun’s Thesis: Does Uniformity in Sentencing Entail Unfairness?” |
2011 | Honorable Mention: Christopher Kelly “Putting the community back into therapeutic community: Examining the role of the treatment group in prison-based substance abuse treatment.” |
2010 | M.J. Gathings and Kylie Parrotta (Co-award recipients) “Accounts as impression management: A qualitative examination of sentencing proceedings.” |
2010 | Jennifer Lynn Owens (Co-award recipient) “Capital punishment in the lone star state: A county level analysis of contextual effects on sentencing.” |
2009 | Jeannette Hussemann “The impact of gender and culture on perceptions of imprisonment among prison officers.” |
2008 | Gerald P. Pezzullo, Jr. and Danielle Rousseau (Co-award recipient) “The criminal construct: An examination of race, gender, and social context on plea questions.” |
2008 | Patricia D. Breen (Co-award recipient) “Does process matter in military sentencing? A study of the trial penalty in air force courts-martial.” |
2007 | Derrick Franke and David Bierie “Legitimacy in corrections: A randomized experiment and qualitative assessment of a boot camp and prison” |
2006 | Patrice K. Morris “Imprisoned in Jamaica: An exploratory analysis of inmate adjustment to prison life.” |
2005 | Chandra Mullins “Who is punished more harshly? An examination of race/ethnicity, gender, age, and employment status under U.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines, 1998-2002.” |
2005 | Honorable Mention: Leonidas Cheliotis “How iron is the iron cage of new penology? The role of human agency in the implementation of criminal justice policy.” |
2004 | Dae-Hoon Kwak “The interaction of age, gender, and race/ethnicity on juvenile justice decision making in Nebraska: the comparisons of White, Black, Hispanic, and Native American.” |
2003 | Kimberly Collica “Levels of knowledge and risk perceptions about HIV/AIDS among female inmates in New York state—Can prison-based HIV programs set the stage for behavior change?” |
2002 | Not Awarded |
2001 | Brian Daniel Johnson “Judicial discretion and guideline departures: The conditioning effects of modes of conviction.” |